문학 및 예술/아름다운 시

[스크랩] [綠野][SCRAP]Happiness

박풍규 2006. 9. 24. 20:58




By John S. Hall





Welling up from within, clawing away, eating up the insides;
Happy heart, broken, broken into pieces, bleeding and happy;
Dissected happiness, wriggling in individual pieces on the floor,
Secreting happiness that attaches itself to whatever there is;

Parasitic happiness, sucking like a leech in the happy neck,
Sucking out happiness, sucking out happiness;
Ripped away from the neck, stepped on, stomped on,
Happiness oozing out like pus; yes, happy, happy,

Happy like a clam with its legs cut off,
Limping along the beach,
Opening and closing, clopping and clodding,
Oysterless, pearlless, peerless, puerile;

Empty happiness, echoing in the happy halls,
Bouncing through the empty happy house;
Happiness all around: ankle deep, knee deep, neck deep
Drowning in the morass of heavy, happy sludge;

Happy quicksand, pulling in the happy corpses to be,
Bathing, cleansing, purifying, perfecting,
Self actualizing, fully realizing; happiness
Lapped up and licked up like spoiled milk spilled;

Happiness that would kill it's own mother for a quarter;
Soft, white, happy happiness,
Like a light bulb broken in the happy lamp:
Turn it on, turn it off, turn it on

Happy dark, happy light, happy dark
Darkness like a blanket
Covering, smothering, comforting,
Enveloping happiness,

Snuggle up; keep cool and warm.
Happy sleepiness, happy sleep,
Happy happy dreams.



$2.00 Happiness
 by Jeremy McLaughlin
Money can't buy happiness??
    To hell with that
  I say!
    $2.00 can buy Me happiness
    Any day of the week!!
    With valid I.D.,of course
        Over an hour and a half of pure,
           unadulterated HAPPINESS.
         Over an hour and a half you say?
         What kind of crazy algebra is this?
          Now, this ain't the kind of math you learn in class
       -at least not in school.
          This is the class of life - Real World Math 101.
         20 bits of happiness
        ($2.00 for twenty)
         5 minutes a pop
              20 bits x 5 minutes each = 100 minutes
              100 minutes of happiness,
         slow, long, breath after loving breath of pure
       Just $2.00,
        With valid I.D.
                                 -of course


                                                                     Superficial Happiness

                               Amanda C. W.
                             I may laugh and I may smile
                             But underneath it all
                           I feel like I am drowning
                           Heading for a fall
                           You never take me earnestly
                            And heedless and negligent no less
                           So I affix a grin upon my face
                            Superficial happiness
                            I pretend my universe is phenomenal
                            That my world surpasses 'just fine'
                             So that when you talk to me
                             You assume my life's divine
                            But my underlying fate
                            Perpetually resembles a hopeless game
                              A game that I am losing
                             One of dejectedness and shame
                             An inspiriting star may appear to radiate my life
                             But as for inside, my soul is ceaselessly tainting
                             I do not expect for you to recognize or see
                             For who am I so foolishly impersonating?
                              I do not elect to be this way
                            For my life to be an encompassing mess
                            So I continue to pretend to shine
                          Superficial happiness
Wonderfully Happy
  by Mouse
          I am wonderfully happy that I came into this world
                  It is a world of pain and utter joy
                  It is a world where no one is wrong if everyone is right
                  It is a world where pain can be ignored if happiness is great enough
                  And also where happiness can be overpowered by pain
          I am wonderfully happy, although I am also wonderfully hurt
                  But neither can be seen because I hide them both at different times
                  I am both in one,but not both at once
                  Even I, am starting to get confused between the two
                  It all meshes into everything else
          I am wonderfully happy that I came into this world
                  Although I am too naive to understand
                  I stand up for myself, therefore and cling to myself for support
                  If one lik in my tight chain of friends falls, I fall too
          I am still wonderfully happy that I came into this world,
                  Because happiness overpowers all,
                  and nothing else can be realized in it's presence
출처 : 幸福/LOVE/成功/詩/經營/文學/藝術/旅行
글쓴이 : 綠野GreenField 원글보기
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